
The Forest How To Drop Items Ps4

Learn how to trade and driblet items in The Forest

In The Woods, in that location's never a drought of work, with the densely wooded forests, the rolling hills, and open coasts crawling with mankind-eating cannibals and terrorizing mutants. Even if yous choose the pacifist road and enjoy scavenging and exploring in Peaceful Mode, y'all and your teammates will e'er have something to do.

While you may be crafting or preparing for the next boxing with cannibal and mutant patrols, you may be wondering how yous can requite items to other players in your political party to ensure everyone has a longer chance at survival on the peninsula. This guide volition show you the various means to trade and drop items with other players and provide tips for how storing items and gear work in multiplayer.

What is the metal can tray?

The metal tin tray, released in v0.thirty, is a multiplayer-exclusive item that harbors upwards to 6 inventory spaces—then, as abrasive a summary as this is, about an intact corpse's worth. When utilizing this corporeality of inventory with the tray, those items can be shared back and forth between separate parties in Multiplayer Mode, which tin be especially useful for whatever cannot be dropped on the ground later looting; snacks, meds, and crafting materials all fall into that category.

Where to find the metal tin tray

Where to Find the Metal Tin Tray in The Forest

You tin observe the metal tray in the back of the plane, but only if you are in a multiplayer game. In one case you beginning the game, wait for the opening cutscene to finish, and one time y'all have control of your player, walk towards the back of the plane to find the metallic tray in the dorsum waiting for you to collect it.

Sometimes, even in a multiplayer game, the metallic tray may not exist in that location for you to collect. A quick fix is to reload into the game or launch some other multiplayer game to collect the tray and then come up dorsum to your original server to come across if it has spawned for you. If the tray remains uncollectable, you can try to call up it afterwards you dice.

Information technology has been known for the tray to glitch out and autumn beneath the map; withal, as the game has been massively stock-still since its launch, information technology is unlikely that you should have whatsoever problems gathering the tray.

If you accept left the airplane and forgot to gather anything from it, you can make your way back onto the plane, or you lot can spam the leap key near one of the lower sides of the plane, assuasive you lot to climb on top of it and drop down back into the plane.

Collecting items with the metallic can tray

Combining Items in the Metal Tin Tray

With the metallic can tray, collecting items has never been easier!

  1. Simply lay both the tray and upward to 6 items of your choosing out on the mat and left-click the gear symbol to combine them.
  2. Left-click the detail(s) once more while they're still on the mat to equip the item into your hand instead.
  3. Close out your inventory prematurely, and your combination will be undone.

Notation that some items on the peninsula may non be eligible for trade.

Other ways to driblet and merchandise items with other players

At that place are several other means for yous to be able to give items to other players. Most items cannot be dropped but tin exist placed on structures to give to other players, and in some cases, yous tin can even partially build structures for another player to destroy to collect the items.

The following is our guide on trading or giving items to other players.


Weapon Racks can Hold Excess Weapons

You can even give weapons you craft and find to other players; even so, this will remove the weapon from your inventory just is a good manner for you to get a new player up to speed by giving them gear. Items generally respawn after the game is reloaded, so there is a manner to recover these weapons should you lot lend them to another thespian.

Using a Weapon Storage Rack or Wall Weapon Rack is the best way to trade weapons with other players. Y'all cannot place the plane axe, repair tool, or turtle shell onto these racks, while other ranged and melee weapons can be placed on them to be nerveless by other players. Information technology is important to notation that your weapon upgrades are actor bound and will not exist transferred to other players, and then when you recover the weapon or get together another one, your upgrades should still be equipped to the weapon.


Using Armor Racks to Hold Excess

Similar to the weapon storage racks, you tin arts and crafts an Armor Rack  to place various parts of armor to shop up to 10 pieces of armor. This is useful for having around to stock upwardly on armor since yous can just carry ten pieces of armor in your backpack. You tin too use a Skin Rack  to shop some armor, mainly lizard skin. Do note that simply os armor will be used to cover the head part of the armor since information technology is the but armor that appears as a mask or headpiece.

Throwables and ammo:

Explosives and molotovs can be stored on an Explosives Holder for y'all to stock up on several amounts of explosives that you can have at the prepare should a mutant patrol attack unexpectedly. You can even shop rocks on it every bit well, but we recommend using a Rock Holder  to exit more space for explosives.

Arrows tin be stored using an Arrow Basket  so that other players tin can restock their supplies should they demand them. Yous can likewise trade arrows via the metal tin tray, but this allows you to have a collective arsenal for your party instead of constantly coming together up to trade gear. If you want to create a good source of feathers, y'all can also craft a birdhouse and accept it crafted side by side to a Stick Rack  to make arrow crafting much easier and to have a passive style to gather materials to keep your arrow supply high.

Food, drinks, and medicine:

Small Medicine Cabinet

Having a consistent supply of food and medicine is critical to your survival, and keeping your friends alive longer is made like shooting fish in a barrel by utilizing Large or Small-scale Cabinets . We recommend crafting the Large cabinet equally it holds more items (a total of 12) and is infinite-efficient compared to crafting several small cabinets. You can shop booze, herbal medicines, meds, snacks, and sodas in these cabinets.

Suppose yous want to make certain your political party has enough beverage water. In that case, we recommend crafting a H2o Collector  to collect rainwater to fill everyone'south drinking flask and eliminate the demand to constantly discover h2o. Crafting multiple water collectors is a very efficient manner to store large amounts of water.

Y'all can give other players meat by either trading with the metal tin tray or by placing the meat downwardly on a burn to be eaten by another role player. You can also trade more foods by utilizing the Old Pot  and making some stews for you and your friends to top off your hunger meter before your adjacent chance. Fauna traps allow anyone to assemble the trapped animal; withal, if they aren't checked in fourth dimension, the brute can escape.

Bugs and glitches to be aware of

The metal tin can tray can really duplicate certain items making it much easier for you lot to acquire certain items. To duplicate things using the tray, you must use the following eligible items:

  • Leaves
  • Sometime Gun Ammo
  • Teeth
  • Sap
  • Coins
  • Feathers
  • Batteries
  • Arrows

For the duplication glitch to work, yous must accept over 30 of these items, and it works best if you are not the host of a multiplayer game. For arrows, you lot can attain this glitch by using more than than half dozen on the tray, simply sometimes you may need more; however, regardless of what pointer type you apply, y'all volition only become regular unupgraded arrows in return.

To begin the duplication, take the item you wish to indistinguishable and add all of them to the tray (or 6 arrows), simply don't fully combine them however. Once you accept as much as you lot tin add together to the tray, you tin can now press the G key, and it should add an boosted amount of those items back into your inventory.

Suppose you are having issues combining the items and getting the duplication to work. In that case, yous can hold downward the item you are attempting to duplicate to where it will begin combining mass amounts of that detail and cancel it without releasing the 'add together' button.

This ordinarily has a higher rate of success, but it varies in terms of reliability. Generally, the more items yous add to the tray, the easier information technology will be to pull this glitch off.

Another glitch that can occur is very rarely, and you may lose the tray upon decease. Should this happen, you can reset your server by leaving as soon as possible, and if you however don't take the tray, caput back to the airplane wreck to recover the tray.

Another duplication glitch that has a chip less success than the metal tin tray play tricks is that if two players have an unabridged inventory of a particular item on the ground, both players can spam the Eastward key to collect information technology. This may cause the item to duplicate on the footing. This tin be used for rocks, logs, sticks, food, etc. Logs tin can be a bit more catchy to indistinguishable this mode, merely success varies from server to server.

When survival depends on trading and dropping items for others

When playing The Forest with your friends, you will come up to larn quickly that building and collecting armor sets is a priority. Each encounter you run into will likely stop in some armor loss, so being able to trade and store armor for yourself and your teammates becomes critical for progressing through The Wood. With this knowledge, you will be meliorate prepared to survive across the Peninsula. Be sure to check out The Forest Beginner's Guide for more than tips and tricks to help you lot along the way.


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