
How To Fix My Internet Connection And My Service Connection On My At&t Alcatel Phone

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This wikiHow teaches you how to set problems with your Internet network. While some network issues tin can but exist addressed from your Internet service provider's (Internet service provider's) side, there are plenty of steps that y'all tin can take to resolve minor to moderate network problems at home.

  1. 1

    Restart your computer. This may seem like a useless suggestion, but restarting your computer is oft the easiest way to fix a vast bulk of the issues yous may be having. A unproblematic reset volition clear out bad settings which could exist causing your connectivity problems, and if it doesn't help, it only took a minute.

    • Restarting your calculator will oft besides turn back on your Net adapter if information technology was off.
  2. 2

    Ensure that your laptop's wireless adapter is enabled. Many laptops take a switch or push that turns the wireless adapter on and off. If you've accidentally pressed the button, your computer will disconnect from the network. Press the button or toggle the switch to turn your wireless adapter back on.

    • Y'all may have to concur the Fn button in order to be able to printing the Wi-Fi button.
    • Skip this footstep on a desktop computer.


  3. 3

    Restart your Cyberspace modem and router. The easiest way to practise this is by unplugging both your modem and your router from their corresponding power sources, waiting for a few seconds, and plugging them dorsum in. Like restarting your figurer, this can solve the bulk of minor Cyberspace bug.

  4. 4

    Perform a soft reset on your network. A soft reset causes your router and modem to articulate their respective caches and refresh. You lot tin usually perform a soft reset by pressing a power push on the front or side of your router.

    • Many modems can as well be soft-reset in this style.
    • In some cases, y'all can soft-reset your network by opening your router's folio and clicking a Reset push somewhere in the "Advanced" or "Power" options.
  5. five

    Perform a hard reset on your network. A hard reset causes your router and modem to forget all of your settings, restoring the network to its factory settings (including the factory network name and countersign). To perform a hard reset, you'll printing and hold the "reset" push on the back of the modem for effectually 30 seconds, allow the modem to reboot, and perform the same step on the router.

    • In almost cases, the "reset" button is a recessed push on the back of the modem and router, pregnant that you'll demand to employ a pen or a paperclip (or similar) to printing the push.
  6. 6

    Move closer to the router. Sometimes your computer or smartphone is likewise far away from the checkpoint to connect. Motion closer to your router and endeavour to connect again.

  7. vii

    Brand certain that you have a clear line-of-sight between you lot and the router. If you tin't draw a line from your Internet-connected item to the router without passing through walls, appliances, furniture, or the like, your chances of maintaining a salubrious Internet connection deteriorate.

    • The best mode to ensure a healthy, consistent Internet connection is by minimizing the number of obstacles betwixt your Net item and the router/modem.
  8. 8

    Effort using Ethernet. Connecting your computer or panel to your router or modem via an Ethernet cable volition both speed up your Internet when it'due south working and aid determine whether the outcome is with your Internet or your equipment.

    • If your computer is able to connect to the Internet while connected directly to the router, your computer'southward wireless reception is virtually likely the problem.
    • If your computer is able to connect to the Internet while connected straight to the modem, so the outcome is likely cause by your router.
    • If you cannot connect to the internet while connected straight to your modem, there is something wrong with the modem or with your internet service in full general. You lot'll demand to get in touch with your internet service provider's technical back up line to fix modem-related bug.
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  1. i

    Clear your computer'southward DNS cache . The DNS cache is responsible for recording website addresses every bit you admission websites, which makes accessing those aforementioned websites later a faster process; however, as websites update their addresses, the DNS cache can become outdated, which causes errors.

    • Clearing the DNS cache will resolve issues such as websites failing to load, especially if yous can view the website in one browser only non some other.
    • To articulate the DNS cache on a mobile item such as a smartphone or a tablet, simply restart the particular.
  2. 2

    Clear your browser's cache . Much like the DNS cache, your browser's cache makes loading previously visited sites faster, but it can too consequence in errors if the enshroud database becomes outdated.

    • To stay relatively upwards-to-date, consider clearing your browser's cache one time per month.
  3. 3

    Try a different website or program. There's always a adventure that the website you are trying to visit is currently down, or the program you are using is having server issues on its end. Try another website or online program to see if y'all can connect.

    • Endeavour another web browser if possible as well. For example, yous may be having a trouble with Chrome, whereas Firefox works fine. If just one of your web browsers is at fault, come across the articles below for instructions on repairing it:
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Net Explorer
  4. 4

    Repair your connection. There could be a software trouble on your estimator causing the connectivity problem. Both Windows and Mac computers have built-in repair tools that you tin can use to attempt to fix the issue:[1]

    • Windows - Press Win+R > type in ncpa.cpl > click OK > right-click your network adapter > click Diagnose > follow whatsoever on-screen prompts.
    • Mac - Click the Apple carte > click System Preferences... > click Network > click Assist Me... > click Diagnostics > follow the on-screen prompts.
  5. 5

  6. vi

    Perform virus and malware scans . Viruses and other malicious computer infections may exist hindering your ability to get online. You can usually eliminate viruses by using your computer's antivirus protection.

  7. vii

    Contact your internet access provider. If all else fails, this is the best remaining course of action. Explicate to your Isp the specific problems you are experiencing, and request someone to come and investigate the problem.

    • Call up to be as calm and polite as possible, and do non take out your frustration on the company.
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    I can't connect to WiFi because my laptop appears to be in airplane mode, and I can't get information technology off that mode. It's an HP touchscreen notebook. What should I do?

    Sidharth Nair

    Sidharth Nair

    Community Answer

    Meet if there is airplane fashion button on your device. You lot can also hold down the Fn button, which is in between ctrl and windows button. That should work. If it doesn't, but restart your device.

  • Question

    How can I turn off the light on the wireless router?

    Community Answer

    Y'all can't turn the lite off, only you could put a slice of black electrical tape over it and then y'all don't take to see the light.

  • Question

    How practise I get out of air manner?

    Community Answer

    Become in settings and you will encounter "airplane mode." Plough that off by clicking or touching information technology.

  • Question

    Which lights should exist lit upward on the modem?

    Community Answer

    Different modems prove different lights, but as a full general rule there will be an Internet or online calorie-free that should be green or blue. Keep in listen, flashing lights do not necessarily hateful there is an issue, many lights flash when in that location is action. If you can become the manual for the model of modem y'all have, it will have a description of the lights and what each light indicates.

  • Question

    How tin can I gear up a slow net connection?

    Community Answer

    It might be deadening because y'all're not the only i using it, or the internet itself that you are using is tiresome. The best way is to just pay for a meliorate internet, but you lot can also endeavor stopping groundwork net processes in your calculator, or intermission any sneaky updates that might be hogging all your speed. Also, wireless internet tends to be slower; if you accept a laptop, consider hooking it upward to the modem with a cable.

  • Question

    How do I aid my connectedness speed with my Xbox 1?

    Community Answer

    Try looking in your settings and checking your internet connectedness and speed. It may not be your Xbox one that is the problem.

  • Question

    How do I reconnect to my WiFi?

    Community Answer

    Try restarting your device, turning off and on your router, or restarting your modem.

  • Question

    I was able to connect with cyberspace on my phone the first fourth dimension, simply when I try now, the browser tells me I am unable to connect with the network and to review my network settings. What can I do?

    Community Answer

    Somebody may have change your WIFI password, then check that. You can also select to forget your network and try accessing information technology all over over again.

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  • Question

    I reset my Netgear router, which is connected with a BSNL landline, and now I can't connect to the internet. The internet indicator light is non blinking. Exercise you accept whatever idea what I need to exercise to fix information technology?

    Community Answer

    You need to get the username and password from your Internet access provider. You then log onto your router and run the setup wizard and follow the onscreen instructions.

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  • Nigh ISPs will perform network diagnoses and fixes for gratuitous if yous're renting a modem/router from them.


  • Resetting your network should be a last-ditch attempt to prepare the network. While it will fix nearly of your potential network bug, it's very inconvenient to accept to prepare back up all of your Internet-connected items.


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Article Summary X

1. Restart your computer.
2. Make sure your wireless adapter is enabled.
three. Restart your modem and router.
4. Try a hard network reset.
5. Move closer to the router.
half-dozen. Try using Ethernet.

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How To Fix My Internet Connection And My Service Connection On My At&t Alcatel Phone,


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